Friday, May 04, 2007

”You’re not a girl but a man!” Hooooraaay!

Funny thing I noticed: When you tell a lad that he’s not a man he freaks out while if you tell a girl that she’s not girl it’s not that tragic although some may get hurt but unfortunately I’m not one of them.
Yesterday one of my classmates called me a ‘man’ and it was the 17236th time that someone tells me that. (“Enty mesh men el gens el na3em!/ Danty ragel! Shaklan mesh hatkallem bas sha7’seyyatan: Yalahwy!”)
And the weird thing is: I have never seen it as an insult.
And what is even weirder? I take it as a compliment.

My problem is: I usually speak my mind, even if the people will hate me for what I say. Of course I wouldn’t go to someone and tell her that her dress is ugly or something but for example if we’re discussing the organization of our Abi-prom and someone mentioned that drinking alcohol on this evening is a must he can be sure that I won’t just disagree but say lots of things which he won’t like to hear.
And this incident wasn’t just an example but it truly happened. It seems to be a tradition that people get drunk on their prom. Ok, maybe they are used to it and maybe the guys think it’s so cool and macho BUT if the ones who are so excited about this drinking thing are Muslims you cannot expect me to tolerate it, not even to accept it. Then there are these other Muslims who weren’t going to drink but didn’t mind the others to do what they want. “Everyone’s free to do whatever he wants!” Great attitude. Unfortunately this was one of the moments where I couldn't remain silent and had a big struggle with the guys. What drove me nuts wasn’t just that they are drinking though they are Muslims but more that they were announcing it so proudly.
You can’t change the world and you can’t force to do what you think is right!” I had to hear this around 3712674th times during these two days (last years).
The part “what you think is right” is inapt because I bet there is no Muslim who would dare to tell me that drinking alcohol is justified in his religion. The least thing he can say is “I do not care!” but then he should also add “What I'm doing is wrong!” and he mustn’t let it look like what he’s doing is totally right and acceptable.
Anyway, the whole thing ended up with a clash between me and the guys and in the end I decided that I will simply not attend to my prom.
Some call me crazy “How can you skip your own prom!”, others think I’m too stubborn but I don’t see the point of attending to something which organization I don’t support.
Frankly speaking, the only two things I was looking forward to are 1) wearing my dress and 2) the last time to dance in public (another principle I’d like to add).
Number 1) will be postponed to any other suitable occasion and number 2).. Don’t know yet.

Back to the statement “You’re not a girl but a man!”.
The discussions are always quite interesting. Although “I have the shape of a girl” my character is a bit unfeminine because I’m too straightforward, because I don’t mind arguing with 10 people or more at the same time all alone and because I don’t worship guys.
Regarding the first point: Being “too straightforward”
I don’t know if it’s one of my strengths or one of my weaknesses. But I know that I can’t help it. I don’t mince matters. Besides, I usually think a lot before saying something and therefore once I take a step by saying or deciding something there’s no way back (except if it turns out later that it wasn’t the best decision after all and then I have to correct myself of course).
Second point: Being against the majority
If I’m totally sure of myself and of what I’m saying I won’t even care if the whole school is against what I’m saying. How can I be so sure that I’m right? By referring to my religion and I believe that relying on God’s rules is definitely a safer path than attaching importance to the mutable attitudes of human beings.
Third point: Not worshiping guys
I guess everyone is familiar with these self-absorbed, arrogant idiots who think they are so cool and great that they just have to click their fingers and immediately they are surrounded by a whole bunch of (stupid) girls who are willing to do anything for them. In my eyes, these are the most stupid, pathetic creatures on earth and it’s my pleasure to give them the feeling that they are nothing. Besides, I don’t face any problems saying that to them face to face. Of course, I don’t expect them to love me then but as they don’t mean anything to me I don’t really care.
My ‘friends’ were worried about me for a while that I may not be able to love a guy or get married and they are right: I will definitely (inshaa' Allah) never fall in love with one of the idiots who don’t even know what it takes ‘to be a man’ and carry responsibility.

So, if being like that makes me a 'man' I don't mind being one! ;)

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