Monday, June 26, 2006

Alex for a week

Hey everybody, I will go Alex for a week with my family. Last chance to be united =) So, I guess I won't be online till next Monday. Enjoy one week without Nadia: annoying, posting, commenting, etc. ^o^ love ya, Nadia

Sunday, June 25, 2006

My future

Thanks to Gassia, the Shella Gallery was taken down. So, looks like I'll have plenty of time to update this blog;) So, I was just discussing my future with my uncle. If I'm gonna stay here in Egypt or if I will have to move to Europe. The biggest problem is: I'm a girl. That means it won't be that easy to stay all by my own outside Egypt. I want to study graphic designs and 3d. At least till now. And I'm starting to doubt if this is the right thing for me. After all, in Egypt I'm going to face lots of problems in this career. It would be great if I could study in München. I could do my operation and just stay there. Check-ups and everything would be much easier then. On the other hand, I'd had to leave my family (second most important thing in my life). -.- Crazy, crazy .. Too much to think about .. Too much is unknown .. Let's pray that I will have made a decision till May 2007. It's not that far away. Time flies and 12. Klasse will pass so quickly. Allah yestorha!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Holliez bloggy

The summer vacation has finally started .. el 7dl. Now we're working on the holliez bloggy. Although our queens don't seem to be motivated enough I hope that the whole thing will turn out to be a great success isA. Visit Anyway, wish you all a nice summer. Enjoy it! And for my classmates. It's our last school summer vacation ==> so make the best of it!! love, Nadia

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wrong, then right

There is this one thing which really confuses me. Can something which has started wrong end up right? I have just watched a movie. The woman and the man met when they both wanted to take revenge on their ex. Accidently they fell in love without noticing it. Anyway, I'm wondering if this relationship for example could be considered as true love or not. After all, the first reason why they got along with eachother was this revenge interest which they had in common. So, the base was totally wrong. And though, they fell in love, resisted a bit at the beginning and then their love won. Let's talk about real life. It's often said that two people who are fighting at the beginning end up as a couple, ''Was sich liebt, das neckt sich''. I think that's very childish. Maybe you can see it as funny and cute but definitely also as immature and superficial. Real love is about respecting, trusting and then thinking if this person is the right one and other half of your heart with whom you'd like to share the rest of your life. It's a feeling which doesn't happen by accident nor by coincidence. It needs time and develops until it reaches a certain level which could be called the love of your life. That's why I think it has to be based on something relyable, something real. And if you looked around, it is the same in many things, for example: architecture. If the base isn't right, the whole building will fall down. Maybe not at once, but certainly after some time.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hypocrite or outsider?

There are situations in life where you don't know if you should say what you think, just be quiet or say what you're expected to say. For example, you are supposed to agree with the majority, if you don't and you start disagreeing, you are considered as an outsider and you will be treated like that. In History, when the teacher asks the class if the German Revolution 48/49 should be called a ''revolution'', most of the students say: Of course, it is a revolution. Why do they say that? Just to make the teacher happy and be sure that he will give them a good grade. In Religion, when the teacher says the Koran was written by human being and can't be seen as an original scripture, you find a Muslem agreeing on that. Such things drive me crazy. I don't get it. Why should I turn myself into a hypocrite for the sake of a good grade or getting attention? I always get criticized for speaking my mind but I think that is much better than pretending to be someone I'm not. Of course, I get myself into lots of troubles because of this but on the other hand I feel comfortable by just being me. So, what's better? Being a hypocrite just to be accepted by the majority or just being oneself and being loved for who one really is?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

We all love Selim :)

Very bad mood. Selim's mother died yesterday and he came to school today to ''sich abmelden''. No one knows if he's coming back or not but I really wish that he will. The class won't be the same without him. Selim came to our class in 7th grade (I think). We started recognizing him in 9th grade. He was the nicest and cutest (that's what I call cute!) guy in class. Always smiling, being gentle and sooo kind to everyone. There's not a single person who doesn't like or love him. What's also so amazing about him? He never did any harm to anyone and was always so clever to avoid any problems with the troublemakers. In 9th grade Fr. Duennebier said: Selim is the most handsome guy in 9b! We all agreed! What's also so special about him is that he accepts people as they are and is able to deal with everyone. At the same time he did stand up to megalomaniacs like Omar from time to time. All in all, I guess no one would disagree if I said: Selim is the best guy in this school. Honestly, if they would send me on an island and I had to choose one guy from school .. I would definitely choose Selim!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Here you go with my theory-questions:

  • which comes first: respect or trust?
  • which should influence and start in a relationship: brain or feeling?
  • which was created first: egg or chicken?
  • what's the aim of life: having fun as much as you can or making sacrifices as much as you can?
  • can something which has began wrong end right?

These questions will be discussed during the next weeks isA ;)

Friday, June 09, 2006

First, second and last

OK, let's think a bit .. What happened during the last few days? First, my hotmail account was hacked. Second, my cousin came from Saudi Arabia. Last, I went to Pupa's grave today. Now, let's comment on these things. No 1: It's really funny. The guy who hacked my account apologized to me. He thought I was his ex-girlfriend. Then he started explaining how they do this hacking thing. It was pretty interesting. Anyway, I have a new account on hotmail now: No 2: I'm very happy that she finally came back to Egypt although it's just for the summer vacation. There were a lot of things to talk about. Next Friday, she'll come to my place and stay for a week. Can't wait it! No 3: It was the first time to go to Pupa's grave, to a grave at all. I never thought that it looks like that. Of course, we cried a bit, read Coran and all the memories came back. Pupa was supposed to be there at my prom, dancing with me and especially on my wedding. The two of us had already planned what it would be like: if we had done it in the desert, we would have used the sheeps and these animals istead of the tables and chairs; if it had been in a hotel, we would have thrown some sharks and fishes in the swimming pool, so the guests don't get bored and be able to do some fishing (swimming would be even more interesting ---> sharks :D). These were all my ridiculous suggestions but we had so much fun and were laughing for hours. He died on a Saturday. On Firday the doctors had told us he could come home on the next day or something. Definitely, he was coming home and then I woke up on Saturday, Ahmed standing infront of me and saying: howa erta7. Missing him very much but also more determined to bring honour to this family. Anway, we're done with all the exams, reports, speeches, tests and projects. Now we can finally lay back and relax. Already enjoying it =)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Respecting, accepting but also changing

One often hears the words: If you wanna be my friend you have to take me as I am. This sentence justifies only 50%. Here you go with the arguments for this statement:

  1. Friendship is about respecting each other. On the other hand it's also about respecting the other opinion and taking it to consideration.
  2. Friendship is accepting each other but also the ability to accept criticism.
  3. Friendship means seeing the shady sides of the other's personality and helping him to get rid of them.
  4. Friendship includes having the readiness to change oneself and not being so stubborn to admit that one is wrong.
  5. Friendship excludes any feelings of jealousy or competition and is more based on selflessness and loyalty.
  6. Friendship leads you sometimes to make some sacrifices but it's definitely worth it.

That is my definition of friendship!)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Becoming the best Manga-designer ever

It's quite funny. All my life I was dreaming of becoming the best Manga-designer ever (related to 3d and graphic designs). My father is still trying to convince me to become a vet and to move to South Africa (we have a house there). At least this would guarantee me, according to him, a safe future. Maybe it is really nice to be surrounded 3/4 of your time by animals. After all, they are not as stupid as human beings can be, but at the same time I don't think that being a vet would help humanity to make any kinda progress. I'm dreaming of the ability to change things. Especially here in Egypt. Everyone thinks emigrating to the US or Europe would be the best solution, but how does one expect things to change if he's not ready to make some sacrifices to change the things which are bothering him?! Many people told me I'm a dreamer and this is some kinda impossible dream but I guess it's worth trying it. What I love about Mangas is the fact that they reflect human beings in such an original way. I know that may sound weird to you but I really get this impression when I watch them. 3d and graphic designs are necessary when you want to do this something in this branch and I have already started dealling with programs like maya, 3ds max and so on. I won't claim to be professional right now. Honestly, I don't have much time for this because of all the studies we have, thanks to the Abi. Anyway, el 7dl summer-vacation will start 15 days from today. So, let's hope to be a bit less busy then and be able to work with these programs and maybe also some new ones. =)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Though all his shady sides

It's kinda confusing. Sometimes you meet people in life or let's say grow up with them and their personality develops during a few months and they turn into someone you can't recognize anymore. A few months can change and break what was built in 11 years. Then you ask yourself how could this happen? How could I let this happen? Stupid question because a lot of things happen in life which can't be controlled nor influenced and maybe it's even better that way. But today proved that no matter how one changes, this real-of-him stays there and sometimes it only needs to be revived. Of course his shady sides will still be there and it will be hard to get rid of them as these new points are considered to be good by his new mates and friends. However, it feels quite good when you get this warm feelings back. I don't look at it as a restart because I don't think that one could turn back the hands of time but more as a new start.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Feeling aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

I could shout for hours now. This world is so unfair. People say wrong stuff about the religion just to get a good grade. And what is driving me crazy? They succeed in the end. Others are ready to betray their friends for a good grade. And what is driving me crazy? The also succeed in the end as they get what they want and start having new friends. Some people would die to get a good grade so they lie or say stuff which isn't true at all just to get this good grade. And what is driving me crazy? They succeed too. I have one question: How can this world be so unfair that even the people who are not sincere at all get rewarded, while the others, who do their best but at the same time don't give up their ideals, are taken for a ride (=verschaukeln). (Aim of this post wasn't illustrating my thoughts this time but more my anger.)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Reasons for this blog

OK, it's the second time to start this blog thing. My Space on msn is driving me nuts because it works so slowly. So looks like I will continue here. Special thanks to Gassia who had demotivated and then motivated me. Gazma adima -.- Anyway, the aim of this blog will not be writing what happened to me every day but more illustrating my thoughts. At the same time it is supposed to help me to improve my English, at least I hope so.