Monday, November 27, 2006

Nadiaismus, Chapter I: God and humans

As promised, I'm posting something about ''Nadiaismus''.. The thing is: This is just Chapter I as I noticed that I can't sum up my whole worldview in one post (would be like ∞). For the ones who don't really know me and are surprised by the terms ''Nadiaismus'' and ''worldview'', don't worry.. I'm not planning to take over the world nor to turn into some megalomaniac.. It's just that during the last years I often had these theories (which are actually based on my religion :) ) and my classmates started calling them ''nadiaistic''.. After a while the term ''Nadiaismus'' was created.. That's all!
So, you will notice that it is not quite new but only showing the important things in life from my point of view.

Chapter I: God & humans

The human being is created by God. Once one is really convinced of this idea one will notice that it is not him who decides and puts the rules but his only task is to follow the certain rules made by God. There is not much space for the question ''What's wrong and what's right?'' because for that we have our religion.
This is closing the door to the question ''What's wrong and what's right?'' but at the same time it opens another one ''What's good and what's better''. Now the human being has to think, analyse and chose which path to go while knowing that both are right but on different levels.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Nice, old feeling

Today I was watching RTL2 (German 1/4 Mange-channel) . Then I started remembering all the old series I was watching during the last 6 years.
My first one was ''Sailor Moon''. ^o^ I got addicted to it. Later I began to watch several series like Dragon Ball, Jeanne, Detectiv Conan, etc.
The most stupid one I have ever seen in my life is: Pokémon. The whole story makes no sense and has no message. There was a phase at school were we all had our Pokémon-cards and they were regarded as treasures. Can't stop lolling when I look back at these days.

Anyway, today I noticed how much I always loved the opening themes. There's also a CD (Anime Hits 5 is the latest one) with all the opening themes of the current series. Of course all the songs are the German versions of the original Japanese ones. I was dying to get one of the volumes but when I travelled to Germany this year I totally forgot about it (had other ''more important'' things to do).

All in all, I'm so obsessed with the idea of becoming a manga artist. One can make movies/series for each age and unlike many current stories there will be a certain message.

So, going to post something about Mangas, CGI & 3D, etc. as soon as I finish my exams isA.

Eyes and pupils (Part 1)

What I still want to change is the reflected object in the pupil. Would be great if it would be a mosque or something symbolic for faith.

PS: Gassia for example achieved a very nice reflection by accident. Click on her name and check it out!

My blog and templates

As you can see I have changed my blog AGAIN.
The reason why I have been doing this since I started blogging is very simple: Every time I started a new template there were problems regarding the cbox, background, etc.
This time you will notice that the template is not on the list of templates made by Blogger.

After looking through some websites that explain HTML, rgb, etc. I was finally able to work on MY TEMPLATE and have it the way I want/like it to be. To be honest, after this experience you may find me changing it from time to time as it turned out to be loads of fun but it also requires some effort, lots of effort.
All in all, I spent 5 hours understanding, practicing, experimenting and finishing it.
So, I hope you like it.. =)

By the way, for the ones who would like to try it, here you go:

This website is pretty good and makes it easy for you to understand the whole HTML thing.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Just beautiful...

I took this picture while I was in South Africa at the beach.

I just love it... Simply beautiful...

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well, I was tagged by Chet and supposed to post a childhood-picture.. So, here you go :)

Me in winter, 1991

Now I'm tagging Gassia and Mori ;)

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hearts and minds

I have already started this post 5 times before but couldn't find the right words to express myself precisely and correctly.. This is my last try:

When two people like each other very much and have already built a relationship, do they have to:

  • see each other a lot?
  • talk a lot?
  • spend a lot of time together?
I thought something would be wrong if these things were not the main features of the relationship whicht is claimed to be built on respect, trust and love. But exactly these words: respect, trust and love prove that you can be not talking, not seeing each other and not spending much time together while these precious feelings are still the same. Now I cannot describe how relieved I am after coming to this conclusion because that proved to me that most of my relationships are built on real values.

So, as long you keep the people you love in mind you can be sure that you both are close to each other's hearts! :)

(Sending this to my loved ones in Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, USA, Germany =) and Egypt!)