Saturday, May 05, 2007


Starting from Waltz and Foxtrot to Salsa and Merengue. You get to see these dance partner forms in movies like “Shall We Dance?”, “Take the lead”, etc.
Above all: the tango. I will never understand how two people who are not in love can dance it so passionate. Couldn’t imagine myself dancing like that (if I even succeeded) except with my husband. Maybe I should add that I’ve never danced with a guy before. Learned most of the dances by watching but postponing practicing them until Prince Charming appears.
Fortunately there are still these nice songs which allow you to dance without turning it into dirty dancing or having a partner.

So, to this day I only went to 5 parties where there was some dancing. The first one was in 7th grade and I was forced to go to it because I hadn’t talked to the birthday girl for half a year and her mother had called me herself to invite me so I went and voila: It was a dancing party and my friends had to grab around 4 times to the dance floor.
Second one was the Spring Ball of our school in 9th grade. There was this dancing course in which almost the whole 9th graders (and 10th graders) had taken part. I didn’t join it because 1) I couldn’t imagine that in the end of this course I will have danced with more than 30 different guys, including the ones I disrespect and 2) the fact that there would be a distance less than 30 centimetres between me and the guy. Actually it’s the same like the no-hug-guys-principle. And both weren’t rules which I forced myself to follow but it came naturally and I just couldn’t be something else then. Anyway, I went to the ball to see my friends and after their performance there was music to which everyone could dance so I just joined them.
In 11th grade there was this birthday party of a schoolmate. It was a disco party in the middle of Ramadan and I really didn’t feel like going or dancing at all but I had to go (as he’s a relative too) but was quite tense and couldn’t really dance.
In the second term of 11th grade an exchange student who I really liked gave her farewell party and it was a great evening, excluding that most of us could neither walk nor hear anything for hours after it.
The last occasion where I danced a bit, to be more precisely: for 6 minutes was the Abi-Ball 2006.
That’s all, except these occasions I never went to any dancing thingy because I neither go to discos nor to any clubs.

I was determined that my Abi-Ball would be the last ‘dance-in-public’ evening but as I’m not going any more I guess I will just implement this new principle right away.


Gassia said...

You are getting more radical by the minute. I wonder when I will read a post when u decide to become a suicide bomber. I don't know what you want to achieve with writing all this, more showing off in my opinion. I admire some people who hold on to their beliefs and principles, but you are not admirable at all.
Sorry Nadz, you knw how much I oppose your attitude.

Nadia said...

1) I write what I think.
2) Show off? That I will become a suicide bomber someday? I doubt that.
3) You know what the problem is? You're comparing me with Muslims whose knowledge regarding their religion hasn't reached even level 1. Take someone who reads a bit and you'll see that my 'radical attitudes' are quite pathetic compared to what one should be like. But well, I'm taking everything step by step.
(3o2bal el 7egab inshaa' Allah!)

And again: Why am I writing about it? Because by announcing it I will totally/completely/really have to stick to it. So if I forgot it (which is quite improbable but anyway) the people around me would rub it in.

Nadia said...

By the way, there's an error in reasoning in your argument/opinion that I'd be showing off.
If I really wanted to show off I wouldn't stop dancing.

Do me a favour and don't repeat what Mr. 'Nadia has too many principles' thinks and says. He only knows me for 3 years and has never seen someone like that before. You've known me for 13 years so you should be expecting me to advance my principles.

ragab_econ said...

Dear Gassia,
although I don't agree with all what nadia is writing here, i think she is entiteled the freedom of speech and having her own opinion. We should finally learn to respect other people's opinions and let them live the life they want to. What I hate most are so called liberals who pretend to tolerate everyone and respect different ways of thinking, while in truth they r totall biggots who want everyone to share the ideas and views on life and don't tolerate other views. I have met a lot of those so called liberals here in Germany, I hope u r not one of them.